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             1981-2012                                                                                          Santa Ana, Costa Rica.

Written practice Side by Side 2                                  2                                        Units   1-2-3-4   


I. ANSWER FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE:   (Conteste siguiendo el ejemplo)    

    Are you going to cook spaghetti this week?

     No, I´m not. I cooked spaghetti last week, and I don´t like to cook spaghetti very often.


1- Is Linda going to clean her apartment this week?



2-  Are you and your friends going to Miami this winter?      _____________________________________________________________________________________


II.  ANSWER THE NEXT QUESTIONS:    (Conteste las siguientes preguntas) 


1-      What did you give your father on his birthday?



2-      What are your parents going to give you for Christmas?



3-      What´s your favorite season? Why?



4 - What would you like for lunch?  





4-      What do you recommend for breakfast?



5-      What time will you get up tomorrow?




III- WRITE IN SPANISH:     (Escriba en español)

            1-  arrive                  ______________               2- soon                 ________________

            3- in a little while    ______________               4- It’ll be             ________________

            5- leg                       ______________               6- Just think…     ________________

            7- spots                    ______________               8- grass                ________________

            9- pregnant              ______________              10- bloom             ________________

            11- puppy                ______________              12- get hurt           ________________


IV- ASSOCIATE:    (Asocie)

                                               1.  often                      (   )    pimienta

2.  taste                       (   )    saborear

3.  too much               (   )    ajo

4.  bought                   (   )    a menudo

5.  upset                      (   )    unos pocos

6.  a few                     (   )    compró

7   pepper                   (   )    demasiado           

8   garlic                     (   )    lo siento

9   sorry                     (   )    gastar

10 spend                     (   )     molesto


V- WRITE THE PLURAL OF THESE WORDS.    (Escriba el plural de estas palabras)

            Example:       apple        ____apples____


      1- a little       _____________                         6-  lemon         _______________

      2- this           _____________                          7- it                _______________         

      3- potato      _____________                           8- egg             _______________

      4- orange      _____________                          9- church        _______________

      5- bean         _____________                          10- cookie       _______________


VI- WRITE THE CORRECT WORD:   (Escriba la palabra correcta)


1-      How (much-many)  _____________ cookies do you want?

2-      How (much-many)  ______________ coffee do you drink?

3-      How (much-many) ______________ time does he have?

4-      Do you drink (much-many) ______________ tea?

5-      She didn’t buy (much-many) _____________ presents for her family.


VIII- USE ¨WILL¨OR ¨MIGHT¨:     (Use “will” o “might”)


1-      She isn’t sure. She ______________ go to Mexico.

2-      Of course. I ____________ definitely buy a new car.

3-      It’s hot today. I’m sure I ____________ not wear a sweater.



IX- CHANGE THE SENTENCES USING “WILL”:   (Cambie las oraciones usando “will”)

       Example:    I play soccer in the park.                  Answer:   I will play soccer in the park.


            1- We enjoy going to parties.                      ___________________________________________


            2- They don´t get to class on time.              ___________________________________________


            3- She´s a very good student.                      ___________________________________________


            4- When does your sister take a shower?    ___________________________________________


            5- Michael doesn´t understand French.       ___________________________________________