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             1981-2012                                                                                          Santa Ana, Costa Rica.

Written practice Side by Side 2                                1                                        Units   1-2-3-4   


I- COMPLETE WITH:  (Complete con)       WILL – MIGHT


1-    I have to study because I ____________ have a test next week.

2-    The floor is wet. You ____________ fall.

3-    I´m afraid I ____________ get a sunburn.

4-    ____________ you be ready soon?

5-    She ____________ have a slice of pizza. She can´t decide.

6-    They ____________ study a lot more. The exam ____________ be very difficult.         


II- ASSOCIATE THE NEXT WORDS:  (Asocie las siguientes palabras)


1.  advice                   (      )  crecer

2.    move                    (      )  lejos

3.    still                        (      )  consejo 

4.    lend                      (      )  perder

5.    lose                       (      )  nuestro

6.    together               (      )  pasarse

7.    grow up                (      )  todavía             

8.    our                        (      )  juntos

9.    also                       (      )  prestar

                                              10. far apart                 (      )  también



III- WRITE THE PAST TENSES OF THESE VERBS:  (Escriba los pasados de estos verbos)


  1. clean             __________________            6. there is        __________________
  2. wash              __________________            7. drive            __________________
  3. take               __________________            8. give             __________________
  4. write              __________________            9. move          __________________

5.    cry                __________________             10. sell            __________________


IV- TRANSLATE:     (Traduzca)


  1. costa             __________________            6. advertencia __________________
  2. billetera          __________________            7. muñeca      __________________
  3. vaso              __________________            8. desear         __________________
  4. enviar            __________________            9. primavera   __________________

5.    rebanar         __________________             10. hace…      __________________


V-  CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD:    (Escoja la palabra correcta)


1-    Douglas (don´t – doesn´t)  ____________ like yogurt.

2-    He ate too (much – many) _____________ dessert.

3-    She visited too (much – many) ______________ churches.

4-    There (is – are) _____________ some onions in the kitchen.

5-    Sorry. There (isn´t – aren´t) ___________ (some – any) ____________ chicken today.

6-    How (much – many) _____________ letters did you write last week?

7-    I want a (little – few) ______________ bananas for my kids.

8-    There´s a (little – few) _____________ sugar  for the coffee.

9-    I love black beans. (It´s – They´re ) ______________ delicious.

10- Mom likes ice cream because it (taste – tastes) _____________ good.

11- (Are – Will ) __________ you going to see the doctor tomorrow?

12- She isn´t sure but she might (be – is ) ______________ pregnant.

13- She was very (scrambled – disappointed) ____________ when she lost her purse.

14- Do we need (something – anything) ______________ from the supermarket?

15- I think french fries are delicious but (it´s – they´re) ____________ bad for you.






      (Escriba “c” para sustantivo contable y “n” para no contable)

            Examples:       HONEY     (N)                 PANCAKES       (C)          


1.  APPLES                           (   ) 

2.    EGGS                              (   ) 

3.    MONEY                           (   ) 

4.    ORANGES                      (   ) 

5.    SODA                              (   )

6.    CHEESE                         (   ) 

7.    COOKIES                        (   )             

8.    ICE CREAM                    (   ) 

9.    APPLE PIE                      (   ) 

                                              10. STRAWBERRIES                        (   )


VII- FILL IN THE BLANKS  WITH ¨LITTLE¨OR ¨FEW¨:     (Llene en los espacios con “little” o “few”)

1-    Put a _____________ butter in the saucepan.

2-    Chop up a ____________ onions.

3-    Add a ____________ garlic.

4-    Cut up a _____________ tomatoes.

5-    Add a ____________ chicken soup and cook for an hour.


VIII- FILL IN THE BLANKS  WITH ¨MUCH¨OR ¨MANY¨:    (Llene en los espacios con “much” o “many”)


1-    How _____________ mushrooms do you need?

2-    She doesn´t  eat _____________ bread.

3-    How ____________ wine would you like to drink?

4-    Do you drink _____________ orange juice for breakfast?

5-    She didn´t buy ____________ nuts for the cake.


IX- COMPLETE THIS SHOPPING LIST WITH THE RIGHT WORD:                                                       

  (Complete esta lista de compras con la palabra correcta)


1-    a  ______________ eggs

2-    two ________________ of bread

3-    three ________________ of bananas

4-    a _______________ of flour

5-    a _______________ of jam.