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                1981-2012                                                                                      Santa Ana, Costa Rica.

Written Practice Side by Side 1                                                               Units   4-5-6


I.              COMPLETE WITH THE OPPOSITE WORD:  (complete con la palabra opuesta)


1.    Are you tall or _______________________?

2.    Mary´s neighbors aren´t noisy.  They´re _______________________.

3.    My house isn´t large.  It´s  _______________________.

4.    Is Richard handsome or ________________________?

5.    Is your sister single or _________________________?


II. COMPLETE WITH “IS”   OR “ARE”   (complete con ‘is’ o ‘are’)


1. Our grandparents ___________ sitting in the corner.

2. His wife   _____________ busy.

3. Bryan´s cat ____________ sleeping on the sofa.

4. Katherine´s neighbors _____________ crying.

5. Where __________ your friend?


III. USE:   my – your – his – her – its – our – their.

1. Emma is cleaning ___________ house.

2. I´m reading   _____________ book.

3. The dog is eating ____________ food.

4. My parents are eating _____________ dinner.

5. My brother and I are doing __________ homework.

6. Tom is fixing ___________ bicycle.

7. We´re washing   _____________ windows.


8. Are you brushing ____________ teeth?

9. Is Bob painting _____________ house?

10. I´m feeding __________ cat.


IV. GIVE A SHORT ANSWER: (De una respuesta corta) 


1.    Is it hot today?   _____________________________

2.    Are you on vacation? _________________________

3.    Is your father thin?  __________________________

4.    Is your mother tall?   __________________________

5.    Are the questions easy?  _______________________

      6.  Are your neighbors noisy?   ______________________

      7.  Is your dog barking?  ___________________________

      8.   Are you and your friends busy?  __________________

      9.  Are you married? _____________________________

     10. Is your father´s car new? _______________________


V. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER: (Escoja la mejor respuesta)


1.    The weather is _________________today

(     ) old                           (     ) warm                   (     ) expensive

2.    Gloria is _________________.

(     ) cheap                      (     ) new                     (     ) beautiful

3.    The questions in chapter 2 are __________________.

(     ) easy                        (     ) fat                        (     ) married

4.    She´s wearing a beautiful_____________________.

(     ) wonderful                (     ) wife                      (     ) wedding gown

5.    They´re playing the __________________.

(     ) angry                       (     ) drums                  (     ) night               


VI. WRITE THE NEXT IN SPANISH: (Escriba las siguientes palabras en español)


1.    cousin          _______________

2.    argument      _______________

3.    angry            _______________

4.    beaskfast      _______________

5.    bench            _______________


 VII. ANSWERS THE NEXT QUESTIONS: (Conteste las siguientes preguntas)


1.    Where is your grandmother?


2.    What is she doing now?


3.    What´s your father´s name?


4.    How is the weather today?


5.    What are you doing?


6.    Where are you studying English?


7.    Are you parents from Costa Rica or from México?


8.    Are you a student or teacher?


9.    Is Costa Rica beautiful or ugly?
