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                1981-2012                                                                                      Santa Ana, Costa Rica.


Written Practice Side by Side 1                         4                                            Units 10-11-12


I.WRITE A SHORT ANSWER: (De una respuesta corta)


1.    Do you like science fiction movies?                       3. Does she spaghetti on Monday?

Yes, __________________                                             Yes, ___________________

No,   __________________                                             No,  ___________________

2.    Are you nervous?                                                     4. Is he biting his nails?

 Yes, __________________                                             Yes, ___________________

 No,   __________________                                             No,  ___________________


                                   5. Does Nancy go to Stanley´s Restaurant?

                                       Yes,  ____________________

                                        No,   ____________________



Cuadro de texto: me – him – her – it – us – you - them


(Complete con el pronombre objecto correcto)   




1.    I like comedies. My sister likes ______________too.

2.    How often do you visit your mother? I always visit ____________.

3.    That dog is barking so much. I hate ______________.

4.    Do you write to Paul? Yes, I write to ____________ every day.

5.    Ilike to read the newspaper. My father usually brings ____________.

6.    My sink is broken. I have to fix _______________.

7.    My clothes are dirty. I´m going to wash _____________.

8.    We are good children. Santa Claus is going to brig ______________ presents.

9.    How often do you speak to your friends? I speak to _____________ every week.

10.  Do you clean your bedroom? No, don´t like to clean _____________.



III.        ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:    (Conteste las siguientes preguntas)


1.    What kind of TV programs do you like?


2.    What color eyes does your mother have?


3.    Why is she yawning?


4.    What do you do when you´re embarrassed?


5.    How often do you study?



VI.  WRITE IN SPANISH:    (Escriba en español)


1.  shouting        ______________                   6.  yawning     ______________

2. shivering        ______________                   7.  typing         ______________

         3. operating       ______________                   8.  smiling       ______________

         4. rushing           ______________                   9.  answering  ______________

         5. perspiring       ______________                   10. biting         ______________

V.  ASSOCIATE:     (Asocie)

1.  tired                       (     )  cercano

2.    close                     (     )  cartero

3.    employee             (     )  con hambre

4.    scientist                (     )  cansado

5.    hungry                  (     )  enojado

6.    shy                        (     )  huelga

7.    mail carrier           (     )  tímido              

8.    broken                  (     )  descompuesto

9.    cold                      (     )  empleado

                                              10.outgoing                  (     )  extrovertido

                                               11. strike                     (     )  con frío

12  angry                    (     ) científico





VI. USE “DO”  OR “DOES”:      (Use “do” o “does”)


1.    What color eyes  ____________ you have?


2.    What __________ Sandra do when she´s cold?


3.     ____________ you have a new car?


4.    What kind of food ___________ your dog like?


5.    When __________ Frank and Mary go to school?


6.     ____________ your mother have a radio?


7.    What __________ they like to do?


8.     ____________ the students play soccer?


9.    What kind of food ___________ we like?


10.  Why __________ you and Kevin listen to rock music?




VII. USE “DON´T” OR “DOESN´T”:     (Use “don’t” o “doesn’t)


1-    We __________ listen to rock music. 


2-     Michael __________ like to play basketball.


3-    My friends __________ have a new car.


4-    My sister and my brother ___________ watch TV in the morning.


5-    You __________ do your homework every day.


6-    I ___________ dance to that kind of music.


7-    Stanley _________ cook Greek food on Monday.


8-    Mom __________ feed the cat in the afternoon.


9-    Our dog ___________ bark at night.


                  10-  My parents __________ have blond hair.