Side by Side 1                                Special practice                                              Units  1-5


Sus respuestas pueden ser inventadas, no necesariamente tiene que contestar de acuerdo a la realidad.

Recuerde que las preguntas que comienzan con  IS o ARE son de respuesta corta así que se contestan con Yes, …..   o      No, …….          Las preguntas que comienzan con WH son las de respuesta larga, así que deben iniciar con un pronombre (sujeto de la oración), el verbo que puede ser AM / ARE / IS y el complemento que es lo que realmente contesta la pregunta.  De igual forma deben contestarse las preguntas con OR que le piden que escoja entre 2 palabras.


Examples:         Is your mother tall?      Yes, she is.            /            No, she isn’t.       

                          Where is your mother?    She is at home.

                          Is your mother married or single?   She’s married.


1-  Are you married?                                               ________________________________________

2-  Is Santa Ana a country?                                    ________________________________________

3-  Is coffee expensive in Costa Rica?                 ________________________________________

4-  Is the teacher rich or poor?                              ________________________________________

5-  Where are you from?                                        ________________________________________

6-  Are the English classes cheap?                      ________________________________________

7-  Where are your father and mother?                ________________________________________

8-  Is Atitlan large or little?                                    ________________________________________

9-  Is English difficult?                                           ________________________________________

10-  Are you an English student?                         ________________________________________

11-  Are you and your friends happy?                  ________________________________________

12-  What are you doing now?                              ________________________________________

13-  Is your bedroom pretty?                                 ________________________________________

14-  Are hotels cheap or expensive?                    ________________________________________

15-  Is mathematics interesting?                           ________________________________________

16-  Are flowers ugly?                                            ________________________________________

17-  Is everybody present today?                          ________________________________________

18-  Where´s your family from?                             ________________________________________

19-  Is the sun shining?                                          ________________________________________

20-  Is the teacher tall or short?                            ________________________________________

21-  Are you and your family happy?                   ________________________________________

22-  Where´s the secretary?                                   ________________________________________

23-  Is the classroom large?                                  ________________________________________

24-  Are children beautiful?                                   ________________________________________

25-  What´s the president doing now?                 ________________________________________

26-  What are your friends doing now?                ________________________________________

27-  Is your sister planting flowers?                     ________________________________________

28-  Is Chinese easy?                                              ________________________________________

29-  Are you drinking coffee now?                        ________________________________________

30-  Where´s your mother  from?                          ________________________________________

31-  Is the dog in the bathroom?                           ________________________________________

32-  Are monkeys noisy?                                       ________________________________________

33-  Are you married or single?                            ________________________________________

34-  Is it rainng?                                                      ________________________________________

35-  Are your neighbors noisy or quiet?              ________________________________________

36-  How´s the weather today?                             ________________________________________

37-  Where are you?                                                ________________________________________

38-  Are your parents from Costa Rica?              ________________________________________

39-  Is your father handsome?                              ________________________________________

40-  Is the teacher married or single?                   ________________________________________

41-  Are birds quiet?                                               ________________________________________

42-  Where is the ruler?                                          ________________________________________

43-  Is your English teacher happy?                     ________________________________________

44-  Are you busy?                                                  ________________________________________ 

45-  Is Atitlan English Academy in Santa Ana?   ________________________________________