Comprar to buy buying bought
Dar to give giving gave
Prestar to lend lending lent
Perder to lose losing lost
Enviar to send sending sent
Vender to sell selling sold
Nadar to swim swimming swam
Chatear to chat on line chatting on line chatted on line  (ed)
Comunicarse  to communicate communicating communicated  (ed)
Enviar to send   sending sent
Dar consejo to give advice giving advice gave advice
Escalar  to go hiking   going hiking went hiking
Saborear  to taste tasting   tasted  (ed)
Salir to walk out walking out walked out  (t)
Agregar to add adding added  (ed)
Picar to chop up chopping up chopped up  (t)
Cortar    to cut up   cutting up cut
Mezclar to mix mixing mixed  (t)
Verter  to pour   pouring poured  (d)
Poner to put putting put
Rebanar to slice   slicing sliced   (t)
Llegar   to arrive arriving arrived  (d)
Estar de vuelta to be back  being back was/were back
Empezar    to begin beginning began
Terminar  to end ending ended  (ed)
Retornar to return returning returned  (d)
Casarse to get married getting married got married
Crecer to grow up growing up grew up
Cambiarse de casa to move moving moved  (d)
Nombrar to name naming named   (d)
Florecer to bloom blooming bloomed  (d)
Venir to come coming came
Quedarse dormido to fall asleep falling asleep fell asleep
Salir de to get out of getting out of got out of
Hacer una caminata to go for a walk going for a walk went for a walk
Dar un paseo to take a walk taking a walk took a walk
Tocar to touch touching touched  (t)
Cambiar to change changing  changed  (t)
Seguir       to follow    following followed  (d)
Perderse to get lost getting lost got lost
Doblar   to turn turning  turned  (d)
Asistir to attend attending attended  (ed)
Morder    to bite    biting bit
Meterse to break into   breaking into broke into
Quemar   to burn  burning  burned (d)
Cortar to cut cutting cut
Chocar  to crash crashing crashed  (t)
Dejar caer to drop  dropping dropped  (t)
Desmayarse     to faint fainting fainted  (ed)
Caer  to fall falling fell
Bajarse to get off       getting off    got off
Subirse     to get on  getting on got on
Ir de pesca to go fishing going fishing went fishing
Lastimar       to hurt hurting hurt
Practicar to practice practicing practiced  (t)
Patinar  to roller-blade roller-blading roller-bladed  (ed)
Derramar  to spill spilling    spilled  (d)
Detenerse  to stop stopping  stopped  (t)
Cuidar de to take care of taking care of took care of
Tropezarse     to trip tripping   tripped  (t)
Construir to build  building  built
Entrar to come in   coming in came in
Examinar to examine examining examined  (d)
Durar to last  lasting lasted  (ed)
Dirigir to lead   leading led
Medir  to measure measuring measured  (d)
Perder peso to lose weight losing weight lost weight
Requerir    to require requiring required  (d)
Frotar   to rub rubbing rubbed  (d)
Confiar en to rely on relying on relied on  (d)
Pagar cuentas to pay bills paying bills paid bills
Alcanzar to reach reaching reached  (t)
Reacomodar to rearrange rearranging rearranged  (t)
Volver a pintar to repaint     repainting repainted  (ed)
Pensionarse to retire retiring retired  (d)
Coser to sew  sewing sewed  (d)
Quedarse to stay staying stayed  (d)
Trabajar en to work on working on worked on  (t)
Discutir to argue arguing  argued  (d)
Cobrar to charge charging  charged  (t)
Bañar to bathe bathing bathed  (d)
Limpiar to clean out  cleaning out cleaned out  (d)
Pedir prestado  to borrow borrowing borrowed  (d)
Visitar to come over  coming over came over
Molestar – interrumpir to disturb   disturbing disturbed  (d)
Ejercitarse to exercise exercising  exercised  (d)
Tener hijos  to have children   having children  had children
Planchar   to iron  ironing   ironed  (d)
Tejer  to knit  knitting knitted  (ed)
Pasar el trapeador to mop   mopping mopped  (t)
Inundar  to flood flooding flooded  (ed)
Levantar pesas to lift weights lifting weights lifted weights  (ed)
Pasar el lastrillo to rake  raking raked  (t)